E-learning that rocks
I’ve been busy so haven’t had heaps of time to participate in Dave Anderson’s weekly e-learning challenges lately. However, when I saw the topic for this week, I simply could not resist: E-Learning Röck Band Challenge! The task is “to design an interactive graphic or micro site for your (fictitious) e-learning rock band!”
Grungy vibe
I’ve always liked that grungy, scungy look of the 90s, so I decided to use an electric guitar as the base for the band’s site and place it against a scummy concrete wall. I set the player and slides to fully transparent and then used that trick where the background image is placed inside the Storyline output folder after publishing (because Storyline allows you to choose a colour for the HTML background page but unfortunately you can’t use an image). If you’d like to know how to do that, leave me a comment below and I’ll do a quick video for ya’.

Importantly, a shout out to Tim Slade who a while ago now posted a demo for a digital magazine and shared the source file. I adapted his ‘moving’ button to my demo, using a guitar pick instead. Thanks Tim!
Introducing… the STORYLINE developers!
My fictional band is called, you guessed it, the STORYLINE developers. In case you didn’t know, this is also, almost, the name of my business.
The band is made up of two very talented performers: Harmony Elektra and Mista Dirty. They’ve been around the e-learning rock-a-sphere for a couple of years. Some of you may even recognise them.
While my demo may not win many e-learning awards, I have high hopes for the band’s new video being nominated for the MTV music video awards. The site also includes their photo gallery, upcoming gigs, merchandise and side projects.
Check out the STORYLINE developers’ new site, including their latest video! Go on, click Play below.

Really Awesome! You are talented 🙂
Awww! That’s so nice, thank you and have a great day!