I am a big fan of bright colours. You should have seen my wardrobe in the 90s. But every time I see an e-learning course or demo that uses only black and white, I love how it looks. It’s just so elegant and minimal.
So, when Dave Anderson announced an e-learning heroes challenge for E-learning Noir, I jumped right on board.
Past noir
I remembered a couple of demos I did not so long ago that used mostly black and white:
But I vowed to make something new for this challenge that was strictly B&W.
Artists do monochrome
I started to think about a topic that would be suited to black and white. OHS? Something to do with the mafia? Arson? And then I thought about artists. Surely there are artists out there who work in black and white?
I Googled it and found this article: Top Ten Artists Working in Monochrome.
So, I created a simple interaction showcasing the paintings of these ten artists that appeared in the article.
Click Play below to check it out:

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